
Doctoral Candidates

Below are the Doctoral Candidates (DCs) that perform the research projects of SurfEx.

Parul – DC1
Utrecht University

Identification and characterization of terminal web and brush border components in C. elegans

Lynn Hasenöhrl – DC2
Utrecht University

Nanoscale imaging of the apical exchange surface

Monica Maselli – DC3
Utrecht University

In vitro polarization of the proximal tubule: functional implications in health and disease

Laura Akintche – DC4

Mechanics, metabolism, and inflammation in lysosome-rich epithelial cells (LREs) in homeostasis and disease

Munish – DC5
University of Rennes

Microvillus blunting and regeneration in pathological contexts in vivo

Finja Dienhart – DC6
Uppsala Universitet

Real-time studies of ApECM barrier protection against gut bacterial attack

Fleur van de Kolwijk – DC7
Göteborgs Universitet

Mapping the selective barrier properties of cell-attached and shed glycocalyx in human and mouse intestine

Abdul Mateen – DC8

Recreating human gut microbiota in intestinal mucus models to study infection dynamics

Harpreet Singh – DC9
University of Rennes

Functional characterization of novel components of C. elegans microvilli

Alberto Sanchez de la Cruz – DC10
CBM Severo Ochoa

Role of actin branching in in healthy and tumor-derived epithelial cells using human-derived organoids

Lovely Monney – DC11
Queen Mary University of London

Mechanical, inflammatory, and pharmaceutical regulation of cell polarity and the role of primary cilia in a human kidney-organ chip model

Ciara Doody – DC12
Gurdon Institute – University of Cambridge

Mechanisms of apical domain formation in the Drosophila intestine